The World Selection Committee is a group of expert evaluators who are responsible for selecting the best nomination packages to receive the SIAM Prize for Applied Mathematics. They evaluate the quality of nomination packages submitted to SIAM by individuals and organizations, including universities, companies, government agencies, foundations, and other associations, and determine which candidate best meets the stated purpose of the prize (in this case promoting diversity in applications).

It is important for Selection Committee members to be independent and not to allow their personal or professional interests or relationships to influence their evaluations or rankings. If they are unable to do so, they should decline to participate in the process. During the deliberation, it is also essential to avoid the risk of social loafing by ensuring that each member gives an equal amount of attention to each nominee. In addition, members should refrain from discussing their evaluations or rankings with other committee members during the deliberation and do not follow the votes of others on the committee.

Following the conclusion of their work, the Selection Committee will submit their report to the Conference for adoption. They will also decide whether additional sittings are required and, if so, when they should be held to complete their work in a timely manner.

Having the best athletes in the team is important to winning. However, it is also critical to create a diverse roster, as research has shown that a more inclusive team performs better in competition. This is why the selection committee will pay close attention to diversity in the camp and try to choose the most balanced, well-rounded team possible.

Simone Biles is the clear front-runner to make the US team, which will be a favorite for team gold at the world championships in Antwerp. Biles is an eight-time national all-around champion and was dominant in her return to competition this month, posting top-three averages on each of the four apparatuses at the U.S. Classic and both days of the national championships. Shilese Jones is also a safe bet, as she is the reigning Olympic all-around champion and finished second at last year’s world championships in Tokyo. But beyond those two, the picture is hazy.

Jordan Chiles and Jade Carey did not make the cut at the recent national championships, and Sunisa Lee, the reigning Olympic all-around champion, declined to attend the selection camp to focus on her kidney recovery. If Biles, Jones and Chiles all make the team, there may be room for a fifth gymnast — Skye Blakely, who was seventh in the all-around at the national championships and has excellent scores on the bars and beam — as long as she can show strong performances during the selection camp.