A Selection Committee is a committee of people appointed by the House of Representatives to hire members of the public service. The purpose of the committee is to provide different perspectives on the hiring process and minimize the possibility of bias. The selection committee should include representatives from all levels and from a variety of sectors. For example, the Committee may be composed of peers, clients, or supervisors, and it should be as diverse as possible. When choosing committee members, pay close attention to the human diversity of the members. Each member will bring different perspectives on the applicant pool.
While members of the Selection Committee are expected to be diverse, they should be fair and impartial. The Chair of the committee should not discuss the selection process with anyone outside of the committee and nominated referees. The Committee members are expected to keep the selection process confidential, but should not discuss the results of the process with others. If a member of the Selection Panel has a conflict of interest, they should step down. If there are any previous conflicts with the members of the committee, applicants should make this known to the chair.
The members of a selection committee are generally diverse in their backgrounds. The Chairperson usually coordinates the selection process and is responsible for the recruitment process. A selection committee toolkit and online training module are available to all members and chairs. The Committee is expected to complete the training annually. The Governing Body is also required to conduct an annual training course for its members. This should be completed by the chair or the chairperson before the start of a session.
A selection committee should have an understanding of the selection criteria. A committee member must be able to fairly assess each applicant’s application, based on merit. It should be independent of any other members of the committee. Additionally, members of a selection committee should have no conflicts of interest and must accept the confidentiality rules of the University. This is especially important for women, who may be more apt to volunteer for a committee if they’re a parent.
A Selection Committee should be diverse in its membership. Its members should be unbiased and should not discuss the process with anyone other than the applicant. The Chair should not have conflicts of interest with the candidates. In addition, the members should not discuss the selection process with their own colleagues. Applicants should also be aware of any conflicts of interest with the members of the Selection Committee. They should always tell the chair that they will not participate in a committee that includes someone who might have a conflict of interest.
The Governing Body’s Article 30 of the Collective Agreement requires each selection committee to include one or more women. For every three members on the committee, there must be at least one female member. If there are more than five members on a committee, there must be at least two women. No member of the Selection Committee may serve on more than one in the same academic year. This is because there are several types of selection committees in a university.