In the 335th Session of the World Economic Forum, the Governing Body recommended the disbanding of the Selection Committee. The purpose of the Selection Committee is to find qualified people for various boards, submit their names to the Court, and make appointments when vacancies arise. All members of the committee serve three-year terms. A Chair must decide on the terms of service. Once the members have been selected, the Committee must perform its work with utmost objectivity.
The selection committee should be diverse and reflect the diversity of the organization. It should be composed of people from different perspectives, including applicants, employees, clients, and supervisors. Some members of the committee may be employees, peers, clients, or other key stakeholders. It is a good idea to include human diversity in the composition of the Selection Committee. Having a wide range of viewpoints will help minimize bias. Having representatives from a range of backgrounds will help you evaluate the applicant pool more accurately.
As members of the Selection Committee, you must understand the role and the responsibilities of the members. It is your responsibility to conduct a fair evaluation of each applicant. If there is a conflict of interest or other potential conflicts of interest between you and the applicants, it is important to explain this to the members of the Committee. Remember that everyone has a busy schedule. Therefore, it is important to make sure that all members of the Selection Committee are well-informed about the role of the selection process.
The selection committee will have many members, and a chairperson should be responsible for co-ordinating the process. The Chairperson is often the person in charge of recruitment and the recruitment of candidates. To prevent conflicts of interest and unbiased selection, the Human Resource Services team developed a toolkit and online training module. It is important for the selection committee chair and each individual member to complete this training on an annual basis. When the selection committee is formally formed, the Chairperson will be responsible for the process and should be able to clarify questions that are asked during the interview.
The purpose of a selection committee is to provide different perspectives to the hiring process. It is also important to make the committee as diverse as possible. The members of the committee should represent a variety of perspectives, including those of the applicants and their supervisors. They should also be drawn from the applicant pool. This is important for avoiding bias. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that all the members of the Selection Committee understand the role of the members.
When assembling a selection committee, the Chairperson must keep in mind the role of the members. Usually, the Chairperson coordinates the selection process and recruits the committee members. In addition, the chairperson should be aware of any conflicts between the members of the Selection Committee. In addition to ensuring fairness, the chairs should be aware of the gender of the members and make them aware of any other differences between them and the applicants.