A World Selection Committee is a group of people tasked with selecting a winning team or individual in a sporting event. The committee may be composed of coaches, managers, or former athletes. It may also include a representative from the media or other observers. The members are typically selected because of their knowledge and experience in the sport. The goal of the World Selection Committee is to select a winner by the end of the tournament.

The 2023 USA women’s world championship team selection camp gets underway this week at the Karolyi Ranch in Katy, Texas, and it will determine the six gymnasts who will travel to Belgium to compete next month. Olympic champion Simone Biles has already clinched her spot. Jade Carey, Skye Blakely, Addison Fatta, Jordan Chiles and Shilese Jones are competing on Friday for the remaining spots, but the top-scoring all-arounder on the final day of competition (Sept. 20) locks a team spot. The remaining five will be chosen by the selection committee after more routines are performed Wednesday.

This year’s selection committee has two surprise members – Raja Venkatraman from the east zone and Surendra Bhave from the west zone. Neither have played for India, but both are familiar with the game and have a strong media presence. Both have remained close to cricket since they quit first-class competitive play in 2006, and both are currently working at the grassroots level with city and club teams as coaches and selectors.

Yashpal Srikkanth, a gritty middle-order batsman who played two World Cups for India, is the only other selector on this panel to have served previously. His previous stint coincided with one of the most acrimonious times in Indian cricket, when he was sacked by the BCCI after slamming Greg Chappell for his treatment of Ganguly and other players.

Choosing a prize selection committee can be a complicated process, and it is important to choose a diverse group of individuals to ensure that the final decision is free from biases. The following guidelines may help prevent implicit bias during the nomination and selection process. It is important to ensure that every member’s voice is heard and that selection discussions are open to all committee members. In addition, the committee chair should give each member adequate time to make a decision while moderating the discussion to include all members. Studies show that implicit bias is lessened when committees have sufficient time to thoughtfully reflect and discuss their decisions, rather than making snap judgments. In order to be as free from bias as possible, a committee should avoid using email or algorithms for prize selection, and should hold in-person meetings set at a date and time agreed upon in advance. Exceptions can be made for conflict of interest situations.