The Committee News section is an important source of information for committee members. We publish information about current events, new programs, and more. You can also submit your own news items. Be sure to include a title and a short paragraph. The maximum length of news submissions is 1,000 characters, which translates to about 200 words. The purpose of Committees is to bring attention to important issues and spark discussions. While these alerts are not official statements from the ARLIS/NA Board, they do reflect the views of the individual committees.
Last week, the AAFEC met with Provost Britz, Vice Chancellor Vang, and Associate Vice Chancellor Venugopalan to discuss the proposed changes to the Academic Staff. The discussion focused on improving hiring protocols for BIPOC faculty members. Chair Rothfels and the UC Board of Regents will follow up with these individuals in January. The University has already begun the process of recruiting a replacement for the social sciences senator.
Earlier this month, the AAFEC meeting continued. Provost Britz reported that interviews with DEI VC candidates had been completed. The AAFEC has selected a faculty member to serve on the AVC Human Resources search committee. Chancellor K. Hildebrandt visited the UC campus to discuss the proposed new standardized scheduling policy. The new standardized schedule policy is intended to offer students more flexibility and allow instructors to schedule classes that meet their needs.
The AAFEC meeting on December 19 involved discussions about the hiring protocol for the AAFEC. AAFEC members discussed the retention of BIPOC faculty and the hiring protocol for AAFEC. The chair will follow up with the vice chancellor Van Harpen and the AAFEC Chair R. Shumway. The meeting ended with a discussion of the new policy and how it can be improved. The AAFEC meets once a month, which is a great way to stay on top of the latest developments.
On December 20, the Academic Staff committee discussed the numbers for the past five years. The committee agreed that several trends needed to be explored further. Later this month, the Arts & Humanities Divisional committee will receive a communication about the criteria for the new position. If the AAFEC has concerns about these trends, it will notify the ASC and ask for input. The AAFEC is working to improve the culture of its members and make the campus more inclusive.
AAFEC members met with Provost Britz, Vice Chancellor Vang, and Associate Vice Chancellor Venugopalan on December 19. The group discussed the hiring process for BIPOC faculty and UCSC’s criteria for new hires. Its membership criteria for the position of campus police chief were clarified at the meeting. The next AAFEC meeting will be on December 23. It is important to stay on top of the latest developments in the UC community.